4.2. 接口中有什么?



明确指定接口的好处之一是,它可以准确指示开发人员使用关联模块所需要知道的内容。这有助于消除 2.2. 复杂性的症状 中描述的“未知的未知”问题。

The interface to a module contains two kinds of information: formal and informal. The formal parts of an interface are specified explicitly in the code, and some of these can be checked for correctness by the programming language. For example, the formal interface for a method is its signature, which includes the names and types of its parameters, the type of its return value, and information about exceptions thrown by the method. Most programming languages ensure that each invocation of a method provides the right number and types of arguments to match its signature. The formal interface for a class consists of the signatures for all of its public methods, plus the names and types of any public variables.

Each interface also includes informal elements. These are not specified in a way that can be understood or enforced by the programming language. The informal parts of an interface include its high-level behavior, such as the fact that a function deletes the file named by one of its arguments. If there are constraints on the usage of a class (perhaps one method must be called before another), these are also part of the class’s interface. In general, if a developer needs to know a particular piece of information in order to use a module, then that information is part of the module’s interface. The informal aspects of an interface can only be described using comments, and the programming language cannot ensure that the description is complete or accurate. For most interfaces the informal aspects are larger and more complex than the formal aspects.

One of the benefits of a clearly specified interface is that it indicates exactly what developers need to know in order to use the associated module. This helps to eliminate the “unknown unknowns” problem described in Section 2.2.